Sunday, February 12, 2012

Well this week was pretty fun... Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty good. I don't remember anything from them though. Exept that on Tuesday my best friend became single D: poor Otah. Well then thurday was quick. Otah and her bf were dating again then he broke up with her. She told one of my secrets, but were good now. The next day(Friday) was awesome! Me, Mom and Otah went to our closest big town, played basketball, ate frozen yogurt and went to Walmart. Walmart was amazing. We got my dogs ID tags and me and Otah got a bunch of food. The funny thing was when we were heading to the food aisles we passed some kids(probably 10 or 11) and one of them was like "Hey Hot Chicks" at us. I was laughing pretty hard the rest of the day and then we dropped Otah off at her house. On Saturday, we all (Me, Mom, Otah, my Aunt, Otah's Mom) went and stayed up in Laughlin. We went shopping at Rue and saw The Vow. I was almost crying through it. Good Movie!! Today I slept in the car on the hour drive home. So I had fun this weekend. I was wondering what you did this weekend too. Feel free to email me at! I am als planning on loading a Vlog onto my Youtube soon.
